Event– category –
【Event】Japanese Cafe for GSES student にほんごカフェ開催のお知らせ
Japanese Café for GSES students In this semester, we will have “Japanese Cafe” on every Thursday or Friday. Purpose of Japanese Café is practicing and enjoining Japanese conversation. Japanese students will answer any questions... -
【Event】国際環境コミュニケータープログラム Sustainable Campus Project 2023 in Korea《募集終了》
環境学研究科国際室では、2023年秋学期に海外研修として、国際環境コミュニケータープログラム Sustainable Campus Project 2023 in Koreaを開催します。 「サスティナブルな大学の実現とは?」をメインテーマに、韓国の名門・ソウル国立大学と梨花女... -
【Event】Cultural Dinner Party 留学生たちと各国料理でパーティをしました
On 5th July, we had a Cultural Dinner Party. Everyone brought their own home country dishes and enjoyed having them. We had a great time eating, chatting and even introducing each culture. 7月5日に留学生たちと各国料理でディナーパーティー... -
【Event】Study trip to Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology/ トヨタ産業技術記念館スタディツアー
As a new student welcoming event, we visited Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology on April 29. 15 students (11 are new students) joined this study trip. We could experience the splendor in the spirit of "research and cr... -
【Event】Cultural Exchange Meeting -Weekly English meetup /毎週水曜日に英語交流会を開催中です
We are having a weekly English meetup "Cultural Exchange Meeting"on every Wednesday, 2023 spring semester. When : Every Wednesday at 17:00 (starting April 19th) Where: GSES International lounge, room 401 (GSES main building, 4th floor) C... -
【Event】Study tour to Shirakawa-go and Gifu Castle/ 白川郷・岐阜城スタディツアーに行ってきました
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j32uKT5wwpA On 10 December 2022, we went on a study tour to Shirakawa-go and Gifu Castle with 30 NU students and 4 professors. We met at 7:30 am and headed to Gifu Castle in Mt. Kinka at first, and then we... -
【Event】Let’s talk English-2022 Fall/ 2022秋季 毎週木曜日に英語交流会を開催中!
Starting from October 20 (Thu.), we are having English conversation sessions every Thursday, 14:45 pm. 10-15 students attend the sessions every week. We have self-introductions, games, group works, etc. If you are interested, just drop i... -
【Event】Let’s Hike Together !! 東山一万歩ハイキングに行ってきました
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnVf_P2o0Ec On October 22, we went on an autumn hiking in Higashiyama Ichimanpo (東山一万歩) Course! We started from Higashiyama koen-station, and walked along the outer circumference of Higashiyama ... -
【Event】Let’s Talk English 2022 Fall / 秋期 英語セッションのお知らせ
Hello Everyone. We are back to Let’s talk English! We would like to invite you to join us for a fun and casual English conversation sessions where you can:-Improve your English communication skills-Enjoy casual conve... -
【Event】2022-Fall GSES graduation ceremony was held /2022年秋季卒業式・修了式が執り行われました
On September 27, the 2022 Fall GSES graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony were held. 17 graduate students received master's degree and 6 graduate students received doctoral degree. Congratulations to all the graduates on you...