CLOSED 募集終了【Event】Study tour to SHIRAKAWA-GO!! 白川郷スタディツアーのお知らせ

GSES Shirakawago 2024

The application period has ended

GSES International Office will be holding a study tour to Shirakawa-go on December 13th!!

This year, we will do groupworks based on the themes below:

1) Shirakawa-go Building as Cultural Treasure: What makes it important to protect?

Explore the historical and architectural significance of Shirakawa-go as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Discuss the unique gassho-zukuri houses, their preservation, and what makes the village a global cultural asset.

2)The Value of Shirakawa-go’s Lifestyle: What Makes Shirakawa-go Lifestyle Special?

Think about how people live in Shirakawa-go—what’s unique about their way of life? How do their traditions help take care of the environment?

3) Tourism in Shirakawa-go: Good and Bad

Discuss the good and bad sides of tourism in Shirakawa-go. How does it help the village, and what problems does it cause? How can we make tourism better for everyone?

Let’s explore the hidden stories of Shirakawa-go!!
All Nagoya University students are welcome.

Please note that if the capacity is exceeded, a lottery will be held.

2024 Shirakawago1
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