GSES Talk– category –
【GSES Talk】Interview with Professor Komatsu from Architecture 建築の小松先生にインタビューしました
We had an interview session with Professor Komatsu from Architecture. Professor Komatsu kindly shared his opinions, works, experiences and tips for student life. -
【GSES Talk】Interview with the Dean 2023: Professor Yokoyama 横山研究科長にインタビューしました
We had an interview session with the Dean, Professor Yokoyama in the spring semester 2023. Professor Yokoyama kindly answered the interview on the topics of Introduction of GSES Importance of Interdisciplinary Studies Goals and Vision of... -
【Vlog】2021 Fall Talk with the Dean: Professor Yamaoka
We had a GSES talk session with the Dean, Professor Yamaoka in the fall semester, 2021. Professor Yamaoka kindly shared some tips for student life under the COVID-19 pandemic with us. We learned a lot!! -
【Vlog】2021 Spring Talk with the Dean: Professor Yamaoka (Tokugawa-en)
We had an interview session with the Dean, Professor Yamaoka in 2021 Spring. The Dean kindly shared a lot of interesting information on Tokugawa-en. Please enjoy our talk and a clip from our one-day trip to Tokugawa-en. https://www.youtu...