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【Event】Badminton &Gathering Together‼ バドミントン交流会を開催しました
On April 23th, 2022, we held a game & meetup event, "Badminton & Gathering Together‼ " 13 GSES members joined the event, and had heated games on a beautiful sunny day ! We all refreshed our mind and body through physical activity... -
【Vlog】We held Hybrid New-Year Party for 2022! / 2022年のお祝い会を開催しました!
We held Hybrid New-Year Party for 2022 on December 28th, 2021 for GSES students. Under the covid situation, the party was held hybrid, also for students who are currently outside Japan. Each student shared both difficult and happy storie... -
【Vlog】Shirakawa-go & Takayama Field-Trip / 白川郷・高山へ見学に行ってきました!
11月20日(土)7時30分、環境学研究科の学生22人と日帰りバスで白川郷・高山へ行ってきました。 学生22人で、高山陣屋・白川郷の合掌造りの家などを見学し、無事に名古屋大学へ戻りました。 見学の目的は、世界遺産の白川郷を見て、私たちが今サステナブル... -
【Event】GSES 2021 Inuyama Autumn Hiking / 犬山へ秋のハイキングに行ってきました
We went on an autumn hiking in Inuyama! We started from Zennoji-station, and hiked up to the summit of Mt. Tsugao, then, stopped by Jakkoin Temple. It took four hours for the mountain trip! After lunch, we headed to Inuyama castle. It wa... -
【Vlog】2021 Fall Talk with the Dean: Professor Yamaoka
We had a GSES talk session with the Dean, Professor Yamaoka in the fall semester, 2021. Professor Yamaoka kindly shared some tips for student life under the COVID-19 pandemic with us. We learned a lot!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N... -
【Vlog】2021 Spring Talk with the Dean: Professor Yamaoka (Tokugawa-en)
We had an interview session with the Dean, Professor Yamaoka in 2021 Spring. The Dean kindly shared a lot of interesting information on Tokugawa-en. Please enjoy our talk and a clip from our one-day trip to Tokugawa-en. https://www.youtu...