Scholarships and Funding


Please visit NU website where you can get information about scholarships

Current students: please check the GSES bulletin board regularly.
An ID and password are provided at every start of semester.

  1. Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships and Extension of Tenure of Scholarship
  2. Honors Scholarships (Gakushu Shoreishi)
  3. Scholarships from Local Public and Private Organizations (JASSO)
    1. The application procedures for scholarships from private organizations are generally conducted through Nagoya University. As the numbers of scholarships is limited, they are usually granted to degree-seeking students only.
  4. Nagoya University Academic Intensive Award (only for doctoral students)
  5. 中国 「国家建設高水平大学公派研究生項目」(only for Chinese)
    1. GSES is open to Chinese students under the Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program.

1. Scholarship information will be posted on the GSES bulletin board.
2. Scholarship announcements will also be distributed by e-mail.
3. Applying for multiple scholarships or receiving stipends from more than one foundation is typically not permitted. There are cases, depending on the amount of stipend, when it is allowed. For further information, please inquire at the Office of Student Affairs.
4. When applying directly to a foundation, please inform the Office of Student Affairs.
5. If you will be absent for a long period of time while receiving a stipend, please inform the Office of Student Affairs.
6. See Handbook for International Students p.23-25

Research Grants

The Office of Student Affairs receives information on research grants. For some research grants, students must apply through the university, for others, students can apply directly. Most of these grants are for doctoral students.

Please check the GSES Bulletin Board.

Exemption for Tuition Fee

Different standards are applied to students who entered graduate school. Applicants must meet any of the following conditions.

More information